OLYMPICO USA is a small international company from New York which was created in December 2022. It is known as OLYMPICO USA locates in the Gigantes Stadium, San Francisco Macoris, Dominican Republic. OLYMPICO USA, we offer multiservices (documentation, curriculum vitae, letters, notary public, residential for rent, property for sale, investment, reference, baseball training and recruitment, merchandise for sale, computer repair, Contract Management, Administration and Accounting in General).
Let's introduce myself briefly, I am an agent, trainer and manager of OLYMPICO USA with knowledge and many years of experience in the business world and sports. My job is to help and assist all my clients and young athletes in the best possible way. My previous education, I graduated with high honors from the University of Kentucky, USA. I got a full baseball scholarship, played for NCAA Division 1 and played Pro Ball for 3 years in the minor leagues. I have a degree in Computer Science and AA Accounting. Bilingual (English - Spanish)!